Cute Mice in Vermont Looking Adorable

It’s not every day a pile of cute baby mice make their way to the surface.

Travel Rangers Cute Mice

While working our summer job at Townshend State Park in Vermont…

Travel Rangers Cute Mice

…when we noticed these baby mice wandering around.

Travel Rangers Cute Mice

I think this was saying, “Mom – where are you?!”

Travel Rangers Cute Mice

This one was like, ‘Hey sibling, you stay in the hole. It’s dangerous for a baby mouse out there.’

Travel Rangers Cute Mice

Despite their small size mice eat 15-20 times a day. According to the University of Florida, at about four to seven weeks old a female mouse can have babies. She will give birth to typically four to twelve young.

Travel Rangers Cute Mice

Mice can have a new litter of babies every three or so weeks. That’s a lot of mice! Pet mice can live up until about six years of age. In the wild, mice average a lifespan of 1 to 2.5 years.

Travel Rangers Cute Mice

This sibling seemed to want to go.

Travel Rangers Cute Mice

And he’s making a run for it.

Travel Rangers Cute Mice

After their little romp around the stone patio, they went back to being three blind mice and made their way back into their burrow.

We never know where and when animals will appear to us. Even though these mice are one of our most common rodents and many of us have seen mice hundreds of times in our lives, I have never seen baby mice burrow up into the afternoon sun. And to me that is worth taking a pause to say, ‘Wow – what a cool animal encounter.’

Recommended Reading: Field Guide to North American Mammals

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